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Can Santa See Your Christmas light installation in Katy?


While we sat down to enjoy family nights after a long season of Christmas light installation across Katy, Houston, and Richmond my Grandson Samson asked a peculiar question, the kind of question only an inquisitive four-year-old could ask “Grandma, will Santa see the Christmas lights?” of course I snickered and gave my husband a wink, oh if only Samson knew that jolly ole Saint Nick himself was also the man in charge of installing Christmas lights on our Katy home and four hundred others but that will have to wait about seven more years “ Of course sweetheart, Santa will see our red and green lights” but Samson couldn’t leave it alone so I turned to science for a little help.

In 2006 a blockbuster hit starring Danny DeVito rolled out where he played a man on a mission to light up his home so brightly that his Christmas lights could be seen in space. Can you believe its possible? Sure, it takes over 2600 LED lights to be placed on your roof and the average home only has about 200 lights and you could only see them if there was minimal pollution but still it’s possible and a few people have provided the research to prove it. For all Nasa fans here are the finding on Christmas light installation,

Merry Christmas From Our Christmas Light Installers in Katy!

With two days until Santa arrives, we would like to thank all of our loyal and new customers who have made 2021 a festive and fun season. This year we installed Christmas lights for over 400 Katy homeowners, thank you for choosing us and from our family to yours- Merry Christmas- we will see you in the New YEAR!

Glancing Back:

Craziest Story of Christmas Light installation in Katy: We have a couple where the wife loves the holidays, but the husband doesn’t so to make them both happy we installed her Christmas lights in Katy and added a Grinch wearing a tee- shirt reading “F Christmas”

2021 Winner For Free Christmas Light Installation in Katy: A recent Mother who just moved to the area to undergo treatment at MD Anderson, she has 3 small children so please keep them in your thoughts.

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