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CWL Kickoffs Christmas Lights for Katy Prayer Park

Katy- Christmas-Light-Park

For some of us in Katy, Christmas lights can only be described as a 'warm fuzzy' feeling that makes us recall simpler times when we were children or family gatherings with loved ones that have passed. Whatever the reason, there is no denying that there is something special about the twinkling and alluring lights that come this time of the year. Melissa, owner of Katy Christmas Light Company, says, "We consider it a way for your home or business to say, “Welcome, Happy Holidays.”

For the past 24 years, our team at CWL has enjoyed hanging Christmas lights in Katy because we see our clients' smiling faces and the feelings Katy Christmas lights evoke when we install them for our clients. This year, our team is honored to start the 2023 season with a new project that we felt was worth sharing because it will be one of the best places for Katy to see Christmas lights while remembering the true reason for the season.

In July, Pastor Tim Barker at Katy Community Fellowship Church contracted our team to discuss Christmas lights at Katy Prayer Park, located at 24102 Kingsland Blvd. The purpose of the prayer park is to serve as a beacon of hope and prayer as it sits behind the church, meaning it’s always open to all. The prayer park features a 45-foot tall cross as well as features plaques scattered around the park. Each plaque quotes a Bible verse from one of the Bible’s 66 books. Not only does the park draw attention from Katy residents who want to come and pray for their family, community, and marriage, but it has become a destination place for anyone, including RV travelers. There is an area where you can park for the evening to rest, and since opening, hundreds of travelers have stayed for the night; sometimes, as many as 50 RVs have been there at one time.

See Thousands of Christmas Lights In Katy


Melissa, owner of Katy Christmas Light Company, says, “This is one of the best-known secrets in our area, so getting to draw attention to this beautiful location we have enjoyed visiting with thousands of Christmas lights for Katy Prayer Park was something we wanted to be a part of” This week CWL team decorated trees, lined the pathway with thousands of Christmas lights and hung thousands of more Christmas lights for Katy residents to walk through over covered bridges. The park intends to grow each year as it shares the true light and keeps Jesus in the center of this glorious time of year. Please make sure when you take your family out for the evening to drive and see Katy's Christmas lights to add this to your list for the season.

We will make sure to add more pictures with the Katy Christmas lights once we turn on the switch.

Katy Christmas Lights, Christmas Lights Katy, Free Katy Christmas Lights, Prayer Park Christmas Lights in Katy.

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