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Katy Christmas Light Sign For Your Home

Today our elfpert installers are going to share with you how to make a marquee sign for your home or business. If you are not handy with power tools this can be tricky so you may want to enlist a helper. Here are the supplies you will need for your Katy Christmas light sign:

Merry Grinchmas Christmas Sign

We found a similar sign at Hobby Lobby in Katy for $80.00 but decided to go home and make our own, here are the supplies you will need

· 5 ½ IN X 6-foot cedar wood fence picket

· ¾ Wood screws (total of 6)

· Red, Green, and white spray paint

· Blue Painters Tape

· Sandpaper

· C7 lights and stringer

· stencils

Step 1: Before we can get this party started, we need to head on over to the craft store and home depot to make sure you have all your supplies on hand. You can also make a sign 4 x8 sheet of plywood cut into half. Just ask one of the employees to cut your plywood into half.

Step 2: Take your stenciled letters and trace the letters onto the plywood, You can add “Merry Grinchmas” or “You’re a mean one Mister Grinch” if you were unable to find stencils or want a different font you can just find them online and print them off.

Step 3: Next take your fence pickets and using your sandpaper start grinding away just make sure to get the saw dust off before you start to paint. If you want, you can also make your wood extra luxurious by adding Bear stain and seal, but we just painted the fence pickets white and then screwed them together.

Step 4: Once the wood is prepared come the hard part of tracing each letter and then hand painting them in. Since the Grinch colors are avocado and red this is what we used but any color will work.

Step 5: Once all the letters were painted in, we found some adorable Mister Grinch stickers to add the top and bottom of the sign to make it even more festive. If your extra crafty then feel free to hand paint them.

Step 6: We are going to light up the sign so that you can see it day or night. The best way to add lights is using mini lights that are already pre strung or you can also use C7 if you want your sign to really shine. Around the edges we simple added hot glue and mini lights so the lights are peaking around the edges and the stringer is at the back of the sign no one sees.

Remember this was craft week so we also recommend checking out fun things to do with Katy Christmas lights. and if you are not a do it yourselfer, don’t forget Christmas Wonder Lights offer Katy homeowners Christmas light installation and holiday interior decorating. Stay tuned tomorrow to learn more ways to refurbish your Katy Christmas lights, see you then!

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